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Quality products deserve quality connections

When a customer does not know the answer to a question about a fastening solution, the experts in the Quality & Engineering department come to the rescue. They provide the answers to questions about the complex world of fasteners and connections offering a service that customers can rely on. Failing connections lead to failed applications. Improving a connection leads to better constructions and less aftercare. Quality products deserve quality connections.

A small selection of the questions that customers ask us:

"How long does a surface covering last in a specific application and which material type is most suitable?"

"What preload force can I expect with a tightening torque?"

"How do I prevent a threaded connection from loosening?"

"How much clamping force can a connection exert with an 8.8 bolt?"

"Some 8.8 bolts are broken: can I just replace them with stronger 10.9 bolts?"

We also capture customer questions in our training offer. With the training offer of the Quality & Engineering department, your knowledge of fastening solutions is kept up to date. A training can be purely theoretical or practical, classroom or online. We tailor the content to your knowledge level and needs.

quality and training
“During training sessions, we notice that the selection and use of fasteners is not always optimal. This way, gathering knowledge has an immediate positive effect and connections can be improved.” 
Edwin de Lange
Co-ordinator for Technical Training

Customised training

We can select elements from the topics on the right so that training fits your needs. We also design completely new training courses, according to customer specifications. In addition, we hold an extensive intake interview at your company. In this way, we get to know your way of working and we can determine specific needs.

Some of the topics we cover in the standard training program:

  • Mechanical properties of steel bolts and nuts
  • Surface coverings for steel fasteners
  • Everything about stainless steel fasteners
  • Thread types for fasteners
  • Loosening and securing threads
  • Certificates and quality documents for fasteners

Crucial function in sharing specialist knowledge

Students are regularly surprised by the enormous knowledge we have about fasteners. Fastening materials are usually very underexposed in technical training courses: the subject of connection technology is often not dealt with or is treated too briefly. There are few opportunities within the Netherlands for acquiring this knowledge. As a result, we have a crucial function in the market to share our specialist knowledge through training.

Basic training takes half a day to a whole day. We tailor every training to the company where we provide the training. Together with the customer, we examine the design of connections. Article selection, corrosion protection and mounting method are discussed. We do this with one important goal: safety, efficient installation and ease of maintenance.

This is what customers say about our training courses

"Thanks to more knowledge of the fasteners, employees are even more motivated to improve connections qualitatively."

"In addition to the quality of the mounting materials, the focus on our mounting instructions has now also been greatly improved. This has taken our production to a higher level."

"Our engineers are now better aware of the regulations regarding fastenings. This has increased the safety of our structures."

"Never thought there was so much to learn about 'simple' nuts and bolts. The training courses were clear and our people were positively surprised about the knowledge provided."

We wrote even more about the Quality & Engineering department! Read the stories and find out how the department can best help you.

  • Rapid test results during a customer emergency
  • In-house accredited laboratory
  • Designing new products and realizing connections in the 3D portal

Everything about the expertise of the Quality & Engineering department

Nasza mocna strona

Dzięki doradztwu, obliczeniom i testom dochodzimy do właściwego projektu i zastosowania konkretnych elementów złącznych. Asortyment 120 000 elementów złącznych w każdej pożądanej wersji, rozmiarze i rodzaju materiału wymaga sprawnego zarządzania zapasami, na którym można polegać. Pomogą Ci w tym inteligentne rozwiązania logistyczne. Fabory Jakość & Inżynieria doradza klientom w zakresie najbezpieczniejszego połączenia. W ten sposób tworzymy spokój ducha. Pracownicy Twojej firmy mogą nadal koncentrować się na podstawowych zadaniach.


Fabory to właściwy wybór dla wszystkich Twoich potrzeb w zakresie elementów złącznych. Nasze portfolio, to szeroki asortyment standardowych elementów złącznych i indywidualnych, specyficznych dla klienta rozwiązań, uzupełniony o części typu C.

Fabory Logic

Fabory zapewnia dostępność elementów złącznych i części typu C. Innowacyjne rozwiązania zapewniają wgląd w zużycie materiałów, redukując całkowity koszt posiadania (TCO). Fabory Logic, to rozwiązania RFID, Optical-Eye, wagowe oraz wsparcie Merchandisera.

Jakość, inżynieria oraz badania i rozwój

Fabory bazuje na jakości i niezawodności. Dopracowane zarządzanie jakością i wyspecjalizowane systemy kontroli są podstawą naszej działalności. Nasi inżynierowie pomogą Ci we właściwym wyborze elementów złącznych dla konkretnego zastosowania.

Nie zamykaj tej strony. Ten komunikat zniknie, gdy strona zostanie w pełni załadowana.